
Legal notices & GTCS

General Conditions of Sale

Updated June 04, 2024

Article 1 - Preamble :

The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the " G.S.C. ") are intended to define the terms and conditions under which SARL KILA (hereinafter the " Hotelier "operator of the Cocoon inn hotel (hereinafter the " Hotel ") allows its customer (hereinafter the " Customer ") to benefit from all the services available on : "" & "" (hereinafter the " Official Site(s) ) and described in greater detail below (hereinafter the "Service(s)"). Service(s) ").

Prior to any reservation of Service(s), the Customer declares that he/she is acting for personal purposes that do not fall within the scope of his/her commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity, and that he/she has full legal capacity to enter into commitments under these G.S.C. . The Customer guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided.

The Customer is invited to carefully read these G.S.T., which must be accepted before booking any Service(s) offered by the Hotel Owner. Customers are advised to save and print out these G.T.C. using the standard functions of their browser and computer. It is also the Customer's responsibility to consult the Special Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the " P.C. ") which appear on the rate descriptions and which specify certain conditions, in particular with regard to modification or cancellation.

The Hotel Owner reserves the right to modify or supplement all or part of these G.S.C. or the P.C. at any time, without notifying the Customer. In this case, the new version of the T.G.V. or the C.P. will come into effect on the date of the update. The Customer is advised to consult the G.S.T. and P.C. regularly to take note of any changes. In any event, the Customer will only be bound by the version of the G.S.T. and P.C. in force at the time the Customer books the Service(s).

The present T.G.V. and C.P. are made available to the customer in digital form via his customer area or directly via the Official Sites.

Article 2 - Scope of application :

The present C.G.V. govern by right the Services paid via the Official Sites: "" & "", carried out by e-mail via the mailbox: "" or all other e-mail addresses with the termination: "", by telephone at: "+33 3 21 89 08 24", in person at: "Cocoon inn - 20 place verte, 62780 CUCQ".

In the event of booking Service(s) on a third-party website, such as "", "", "", "", "", or any other subsidiary of the : Booking Holdings Inc, Expedia Group, TripAdvisor LLC and Alphabet Inc, the Customer acknowledges that he/she must abide by the terms and conditions of the establishment in addition to those of the third-party site.

Each Customer acknowledges having read and accepted the present G.S.T. prior to any payment made by him/herself or on behalf of a third party. Acceptance of the G.S.T. and the P.C. binds the Customer and the Hotel Owner in the form of a contract (hereinafter the "Contract"). Contract ") governed by these G.S.T. and P.C.

These G.S.T. and P.C. apply exclusively to reservations for individual Services. Depending on the Services, the maximum number of accommodations that may be booked as part of an individual Service reservation within the meaning of the G.S.T. and P.C. is four (4) accommodations or a maximum of eight (8) people. For any reservation for a greater number of people and/or accommodation, the Customer must complete the contact form located on the "Contact Us" page of the Official Site.

Article 3 - Liability :

The Customer who has accepted the C.G.V. accepts responsibility, and will therefore be held liable, in the event of any dispute or problem with the persons who may accompany him or form part of his group. The Customer also undertakes to make the C.G.V. known to all persons under his responsibility, and to have them read it.

The Contract becomes effective as soon as the Customer has guaranteed it by credit card valid on the date of commencement of the Services, and a deposit has been paid prior to the Contract (please refer to "Article 5 - Payment").

Article 4 - Duration of Service :

Services booked by the Customer are for a fixed term. Under no circumstances may the Customer claim any right to remain in the premises.

The timetables for the reserved Services can be consulted on: the Official Sites, the outside notices, the reception desk and the TVs in the Hotel rooms.

If the duration of the Services is exceeded, charges may apply, of €30 per additional hour up to a maximum of three (3) hours; beyond this, in addition to these charges, the amount of the Services used will be re-invoiced as additional charges. Any hour started will be considered as additional.

Article 5 - Payment :

5.1 General provisions

The Customer communicates his/her payment details either for pre-payment of the reservation prior to the stay, or as a guarantee of the reservation, or as part of the online payment procedure offered as part of the Online Registration Service, by indicating directly, in the area provided for this purpose (secure entry) when using a bank card, the bank card number, with no spaces between the digits, as well as its date of validity (it is specified that the bank card used must be valid at the time of the stay) and the visual cryptogram via the payment platform mentioned below.

The Hotelier has chosen Monext-Payline to secure online credit card payments. The Customer's payment card is subject to a validity check and may be refused for a number of reasons: stolen or blocked card, limit reached, input error, etc. In the event of a problem, the Customer must contact his or her bank and the Hotel to confirm the reservation and method of payment.

We accept the following methods of payment: Visa, Eurocard-Mastercard, Bank transfer and Cash.

In the event of payment at the Hotel, the Customer must present the bank card used to guarantee the reservation or make the payment. The Hotel may also ask the Customer to show proof of identity in order to prevent credit card fraud.

Prices include VAT applicable on the date of booking, and any change in the VAT rate will be automatically reflected in the price indicated on the invoice date. Any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities will automatically be reflected in the price indicated on the date of invoicing.

Recorded banking data is kept for 30 days following the Service, and may also be kept until consent is withdrawn and/or the validity of the credit card data has expired.

In accordance with French Finance Act no. 2023-1322 of December 29, 2023, and in anticipation of the obligations for SMEs applicable from September 1, 2027, the Hotel Owner will not provide invoices in paper format. An invoice will be sent in electronic format to the e-mail address provided by the Customer at the time of booking.

5.2 Prepayment / Deposit

Pre-payment refers to any payment made by the Customer at the time of booking. This is mandatory to validate the reservation of the Service. The amount debited at the time of reservation includes the total amount, i.e. 100%, of the Service indicated at the time of reservation (including all applicable taxes) and, where applicable, the price of the options selected by the Customer.

In accordance with article L214-1 of the French Consumer Code, sums paid in advance through pre-payment are defined as Deposits.

The actual debit of the reservation amount may require a certain processing time. If at the end of the processing time the reservation amount has not been debited, the reservation will be cancelled.

If the customer wishes to pay all or part of the amount in cash or with another credit card, the amount will be credited to the credit card used for pre-payment, which may take some time to process.

For payment by bank transfer, the hotel requires a deposit of up to 100% of the total cost of the reservation. The transfer must be made at least 48 hours before the start of the service.

In accordance with articles 441-6 c. com. and D. 441-5 c. com., any delay in payment automatically entails, in addition to late payment penalties, an obligation for the debtor to pay a fixed indemnity of €40 for collection costs. Penalties for late payment may be applied at a rate of 10% per month on the total amount due, inclusive of tax.

5.3 Tourist tax

The tourist tax is a local tax that the Customer must pay to the Hotel Owner, who then transfers it to the Public Treasury. It is never included in the price of the reservation, and is payable on site, except in the case of online payment before the stay, when this amount may be included.

5.4 Additional services and charges

By accepting these T.G.V., the Customer agrees that the Hotel Owner may debit the Additional Services and Additional Charges to the Bank Card used for pre-payment or to the one given during physical or online check-in.

Article 6 - Insurance:

The Customer is responsible for all damage caused by himself. He must therefore check whether his main home insurance policy includes the holiday extension (vacation rental). The tenant certifies that he/she is covered by civil liability insurance covering his/her own liability and that of any persons accompanying him/her.

As the Hotel Owner does not provide any cancellation insurance, he recommends that the Customer who has made a reservation contact his bank in order to consult Visa or Eurocard-Mastercard insurance in the case of pre-payment (please refer to "Article 5.2 - Pre-payment / Deposit").

Article 7 - Cancellation or Modification :

7.1 Cancellation

Cancellation of a Service, by or on behalf of the Customer, results in termination of the Contract at the Customer's initiative. This means the cancellation of the reservation in its entirety, implying the immediate release of the premises occupied and the refusal of access with code.

Breach of contract automatically entails payment of the full amount of the reservation, i.e. all Services reserved, without any right to reimbursement on the part of the Customer. Any sums paid in accordance with "Article 5.2 Pre-payment / Deposit" will also be retained by the Hotelier. In the event that the Deposit is insufficient to cover the total amount of the Services booked, the Hotel will debit the outstanding balance from the Customer's credit card.

The Customer does not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L. 221-18 of the French Consumer Code, and this in accordance with article L. 221-28 paragraph 12 of the French Consumer Code, which excludes this right for contracts relating to the provision of accommodation and/or care services which must be provided on a specific date or within a specific period.

Certain Services have P.C.'s. The Customer must refer to these for information on cancellation conditions.

7.2 No-shows

Any no-show by the Customer at the Hotel, i.e. outside the check-in/arrival times (see "Article 8 - Arrival"), constitutes cancellation and breach of contract at the Customer's initiative (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

7.3 Modifications

Certain Services have P.C.s allowing the modification of a Service, and the Customer must refer to these to find out the conditions for modification.

If no conditions allow the Customer to modify the reservation, the amount of all Services reserved remains due to the Hotel.

Article 8 - Arrival :

The Customer is welcomed on the day specified in the reservation from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

The Hotel is at liberty not to accept Customers whose dress is indecent or negligent, or Customers whose behaviour is noisy, improper, alcoholic, contrary to public decency or public order.

All persons wishing to stay at the hotel must identify themselves and any accompanying persons in accordance with "Article 9.1 - Occupancy".

Upon arrival at the Hotel, the Customer must provide a valid, debitable and creditable VISA or Eurocard-Mastercard in accordance with "Article 5 - Payment". Failure to comply with this clause may result in the Customer being refused access to the establishment by the Hotel Owner. This constitutes cancellation and breach of contract on the Customer's initiative (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

Before using the Service reserved in advance, the Customer must pay all sums and invoices requested by the Hotel Owner.

The photographs presented on the Services are indicative and non-contractual. Although every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations and texts reproduced to illustrate the Hotel presented give as accurate an idea as possible of the Services offered, variations may occur, notably due to changes in furnishings or possible renovations.

Article 9 - Occupancy & Use of the premises :

9.1 Occupancy

The Contract is drawn up for a specific number of people. This number is shown on the e-mails sent to the Customer and also on the Customer's space. The Customer may not rent a room for a number of people greater than that stipulated at the time of reservation, nor may the Customer bring into the room third parties not known to the Hotel Owner.

The Hotel declines all responsibility and cannot be held liable in the event of a minor or serious problem.

In the event of non-compliance with this article, a supplement of €150 will be charged for each undeclared additional person or child. The Hotel reserves the right to declare the reservation as "non-compliant", and thus the right to refuse access to the room or to ask for the premises to be vacated. This constitutes cancellation and termination of the Contract at the Customer's initiative (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

The Customer undertakes to return the accommodation in good condition.

9.2 Nuisances and respect for other customers

The customer must respect the peaceful nature of the premises and use them in accordance with their intended purpose. Noise, even during the day, is forbidden. Any customer causing a disturbance or scandal in any form whatsoever will be asked to leave the hotel immediately, without reimbursement for Services. This constitutes cancellation and breach of contract on the Customer's initiative (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

In the interests of the tranquillity of the establishment and the comfort of other Customers, all noise must cease between 10.00 pm and 8.00 am.

Any disturbance requiring the reimbursement of Services to Customers who have suffered inconvenience will be charged to the disturber or the Customer responsible for the disturbance. In accordance with "Article 5.4 - Additional services and charges", the Hotel reserves the right to debit the amounts due from the Customer's credit card (see "Article 5 - Payment" and "Article 8 - Arrival"). Failure to comply with the G.C.V. may result in the cancellation and termination of the Contract by the Customer (please refer to "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

Article 10 - Prohibitions and alterations :

10.1 No smoking

All our rooms are non-smoking. For safety reasons and out of respect for everyone, smoking is strictly forbidden in the hotel. Smoking areas are located outside and ashtrays are available.

In accordance with decree no. 2006-1386 of November 15, 2006 setting out the conditions for implementing the ban on smoking in places designated for collective use, smoking in the hotel exposes you to an additional charge of €100 and to legal proceedings. The Hotel may also invoice the Customer for additional cleaning costs (see "Article 10.6 - Invoicing of additional costs").

10.2 Fire alarm activation

Any triggering of the fire alarm without a valid reason will be billed at €150 to cover the cost of restarting the fire safety system. Triggering of the fire alarm without a valid reason requiring the reimbursement of Services to Customers who have suffered inconvenience will be charged to the triggerer or the Customer responsible for the triggering.

10.3 Damage and theft

The spaces made available to our Customers are checked, functional and in good condition. Customers are asked to report any deficiencies immediately to the hotel reception desk. In the event of a problem, the Customer will be held liable in accordance with "Article 6 - Insurance".

Any theft of or damage to furniture observed during the period of service or after the Customer's departure creates a disturbance for the Hotel Owner. The Hotel therefore reserves the right to invoice the Customer for the cost of replacing the equipment in question. The Hotel will not take into account obsolescence and will invoice the replacement value of the equipment. A list, available on request from reception, shows all the equipment in the rooms, together with the price that may be charged.

Any damage to property caused by the customer will be subject to an additional invoice, with no limit on the amount, payable by the customer for the replacement of the damaged item.

The Hotel may charge a penalty equivalent to the total amount of the Service for the period during which it is unusable by the Hotelier.

10.4 Pets

The Contract specifies that the Customer may not stay in the company of a pet. Failure to comply with this clause means that the Hotel Owner may request the immediate expulsion of the animal, and if the Customer refuses, the Customer must leave the establishment. This constitutes cancellation and breach of contract on the Customer's initiative (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

In the event of intrusion by an animal without prior notification to the Hotel, the Customer will be liable to a surcharge of €50 per day and per animal, as well as additional cleaning costs.

Guide dogs are admitted free of charge in certain room categories with the prior agreement of the Hotelier.

10.5 Additional cleaning

The Hotel may charge a cleaning fee if the room is left in a condition deemed unsuitable by the Hotel's management.

In the event of stains, marks or any other visual "problem", a cleaning or replacement fee may be charged.

Any odor, disturbing or persistent trace after the Customer's departure will be subject to an additional cleaning fee of €50, which will be invoiced to the Customer.

10.6 Billing of additional costs

The Hotel may demand and charge an unlimited amount of damages for refurbishing and not being able to re-let the Services or spaces. This penalty is equivalent to the total amount of the Service over the period during which it will be unusable by the Hotelier.

In accordance with "Article 5.4 - Additional services and charges", the Hotel reserves the right to debit the amounts due from the Customer's credit card (see "Article 5 - Payment" and "Article 8 - Arrival"). If it is impossible to debit the card, the Hotel will call in a court-appointed debt collector, who will be responsible for collection. In the event of failure to comply with the G.S.C., the Customer may cancel and terminate the Contract of his own free will (see "Article 7.1 - Cancellation").

Article 11 - Disputes :

It is recommended that you contact the Tourist Office, which will help to resolve any disputes amicably - if the complaint is made within the first three days after arrival, for any dispute concerning the inventory of fixtures or the descriptive inventory,- at the end of the Service for all other disputes. For all disputes arising from the performance or interruption of the present Contract, only the Courts of the jurisdiction of the location of the property which is the object of the rental shall have jurisdiction.

Article 12 - Surveillance system :

The establishment has a video surveillance system declared to and accepted by the Pas-de-Calais prefecture. By accepting the present C.G.V., the Customer acknowledges that he has been informed that he is liable to be recorded in accordance with the French Code de la Sécurité Intérieure (art. L223-1 to L223-9 and L251 to L255-1), decree n°96-926 of October 17, 1996 modified by law n°2011-267 of March 14, 2011. In the event of an incident or dispute, images may be viewed for one month or less by authorized "SARL KILA" personnel and law enforcement agencies.

To exercise your rights with regard to information technology and civil liberties, and in particular your right of access to images concerning you, or for any information on this system, please contact the establishment by telephone on +33 3 21 89 08 24, by e-mail at "" or at the following postal address: "20 place verte, 62780 CUCQ".

In accordance with the laws in force, the establishment may refuse to give access to certain images if the Data Protection Officer (DPO) considers that this would be detrimental to the confidentiality of other people's private lives.

Legal notices

Company : SARL KILA

Registered Offices : 20 Place Verte, 62780 CUCQ - FRANCE

Tel : +33 3 21 89 08 24

Mail :

Siren : 432772051

VAT number : FR71432772051

Share capital : 33 000,00 €

Regulated activity : 4th category drinks outlet

Issued by : Mairie de CUCQ, 08 April 2019


Director of publication, Legal representative : M. Jean-Luc KIRALY

Purpose of site : Promotion of the establishment

Webmaster, design, editing, artistic direction : SAS WIHP

Web hosting : SAS WIHP

President SAS WIHP : Vincent RAMELLI

Photography : M. Christophe BIELSA

The site presents :

● Informative content

● A collection of personal data online

French Data Protection Act : the site is the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique and Liberté (French Data Protection Authority). You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information that concerns you (art. 34 of the Loi Informatique et Libertés (French Data Protection Act)). To exercise this right, please contact :

Ownership : The site and the information that it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and by international agreements. Except for use by immediate family members or private use, the site and any element of its content may not be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or passed on without the prior authorization of the eligible party.